Tell Us About Your Summer Internship Plans

Adriana Lacy

Summer 2020 has been an odd one, with many internships moved online and many canceled.

Given the unique environment in which media internships have operated, we at Journalism Internships want to get a sense of what’s gone well in your remote internship and what future interns and industry leaders might be able to learn from you.

By collecting that information, we hope you can help pave a better path for those who partake in online internships in the future.

All questions are optional, though we encourage you to fill in as many as possible. We may post aggregated data in a blog post. 

Online Summer Internship Survey
Hello, so summer 2020 has been an odd one, with many internships moved online and many canceled. Given the unique environment in which media internships have operated, we at Media Mentors wanted to get a sense of what’s gone well in your remote internship and what future interns and industry leaders might be able to learn from you. By collecting that information, we hope you can help pave a better path for those who partake in online internships in the future.

All questions are optional, though we encourage you to fill in as many as possible. We may post aggregated data in a blog post. Switch account
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