Media Mentors

The mentors below have volunteered to offer free, half-hour one-on-one sessions for advice, guidance or general questions about navigating the media industry. Be sure to read our FAQs about the program ahead of booking a call.


Abdulaziz can advise on career navigation, diversifying skills, managing burnout and stress; building strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders, building team culture, presenting to senior stakeholders, having difficult conversations with colleagues and management, leading during times of crisis; getting started in journalism, working at a news agency, newspaper, or magazine; reporting or editing; being an editor as your first job or anyone moving into their first management roles, particularly anyone keen to bring about innovation in their organisations; managing resources, story development, story structure and planning, editorial strategies, editing for style and grammar, utilising tools, and editing technical copy. He has extensive experience in energy journalism and can advise those who want to pivot into this beat.
I can mentor on fostering inclusion, and celebrating diverse, meaningful storytelling.
I can coach on narrative storytelling, investigations, tough interviews, mental health & work/life balance.
Marisa can help with investigative reporting, narrative writing, staying organized, trauma-informed interviews, public records, career advice and more.
Corey can coach on creating a newsletter to build an audience, freelance pitching, and industry navigation.
Gracie can coach on finding your first job, actually enjoying networking, working on a small team, and advocating for the value of engaged journalism.
Tahiat can coach on job hunting, freelancing, developing new skillsets, career pivots and working remotely.
I can mentor on helping journalists with long-form stories.
Project (Product) Manager/Broadcast and Investigative Journalist
Nelly can coach on broadcast journalism, investigative techniques, news product and project management, leadership, public speaking, and career development. She can also mentors journalists on solutions journalism and systems thinking, identifying systemic issues and root causes, and reporting on effective solutions through news/ feature reports, and product design

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David, an expert in freedom of information, can provide strategies and tips for overcoming denials, coming up with record-based story ideas and elevating your reporting through public records.